Geographical features of Bangladesh

Map of Bangladesh

Geographical location of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a country of South Asia and its location is in the Indian subcontinent. The geographical location of Bangladesh is in 20034 north latitude to 26038north latitude and 88001’ east longitude to 92041’ east longitude.

Boundaries of Bangladesh

Bangladesh has land borders with two countries; those are India and Myanmar.

In the north of Bangladesh there is West Bengal, Meghalaya and Assam provenance of India and in the east, there is Assam, Tripura, Mizoram provenance of India and the country Myanmar and in the west, there is West Bengal and Bihar provenance and in the south, there is the Bay of Bengal.

The total length of the borderline of Bangladesh is 4711 kilometers. The total borderline with India is 3715 kilometers and 280 kilometers with Myanmar and 716 kilometers is coastline on the Bay of Bengal.

Size and Population of Bangladesh

The total area of Bangladesh is 1,48,460 square kilometers (57,320 square miles). According to the population census of the Bangladeshi government total population is 15,25,18000.

The coastline of Bangladesh

In the southern part of Bangladesh, there is the Bay of Bengal. Its length is about 716 kilometers. This coastline is between the southern part of Coxes Bazar to the estuary of the river Roy Mongol. 

Physical features of Bangladesh

According to the configuration of the land, this country is divided into three parts. Those are described below-

  1. The plain lands of the low valley: Most of the area of BD is under this region. This area is covered with the rivers Padma, Meghna, Jamuna, Brahmaputra, etc. Those rivers bring alluvium which is the main feature of the soil of this area. Those rivers, their tributary and distributary river are covered almost all the areas of this country like a web. Those rivers make transportation easier; goods and peoples can transport within low cost using the water transportation system. The lands of those areas are fertile for agriculture. Rice, jute, sugarcane and other agricultural products grown here. Those areas are overpopulated because of high yield. The forest, Sundarban is under this area which is not favorable to agriculture. We collect wood and honey from this forest and Royal Bengal Tiger is the main attraction of this forest.
  2. The eastern hilly area:  this area belongs to Chattogram hill tracts, north of Cumilla, the eastern part of Shylet and the northern part of Mymensing. Small and medium hills are everywhere in this area. Those hills are parts of Lushai of Assam and Arakan of Myanmar. The average height of those hills is about 2000 feet. The hills of Cumilla, Shylet and Mymensing have a lower height than those of Chattogram. Except for winter, heavy rainfall occurs in this area in all seasons. So this area belongs to some rivers. This region is not suitable for agriculture. Some farmers cultivate here on hills and on their valley they called it zoom. Plenty of tea harvested from this area. This area has minerals like natural gas, limestone etc.
  3. The northwest high lands: This area is divided into two parts, one is Barind tract and the other is Madhupur and Bhawal gara. Barind tract belongs to Rangpur, Dinajpur, Rajshahi and Bogura. The color soil of this area is red and those are not suitable for agriculture. The total size of this area is 9320 square kilometers. The total area of Madhupur and Bhawal gara is 4103 square kilometers.

Rivers of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a country of rivers. Many rivers, their tributary and distributary rivers are flowing here like the web.

Most of the important rivers of this country are Brahmaputra, Padma, Meghna, Karnafuli etc.  The importance of rivers in the economy of Bangladesh is more than we thought.

Climate and Rainfalls in Bangladesh

The climate of this country is mild. Tropic of cancer went in the mid of this country. Sea and monsoon bring heavy rainfall here. The weather in this country is neither too hot nor too cold.

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